Center for American Progress Action

RELEASE: CAP Action Fund Considers How President Obama’s Foreign Policy Successes Will Be Portrayed in GOP Debate
Press Release

RELEASE: CAP Action Fund Considers How President Obama’s Foreign Policy Successes Will Be Portrayed in GOP Debate

Read the ThinkProgress special report on President Obama’s foreign policy successes here.

Read the Center for American Progress’s report on the latest conservative thinking on national security issues here.

Washington, D.C. — Today the Center for American Progress Action Fund released a special report by ThinkProgress, “Obama’s Foreign Policy Successes.” Thus far, foreign policy has received scant attention during the televised GOP presidential debates, but a debate this Saturday with a foreign policy focus will force the issue. If past statements by the candidates are any indication, they are unlikely to give an accurate representation of the president’s foreign policy. In response to the often trite and unfounded attacks on President Barack Obama by the GOP candidates, ThinkProgress compiled this special report detailing the administration’s key foreign policy victories, including:

  • Killed Osama bin Laden; ramped up campaign against Al Qaeda
  • Mobilized international collation to protect Libyan pro-democracy demonstrators
  • Ordered the complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq by year’s end
  • Isolated and weakened Iran
  • Repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
  • Halved the number of Russian and American nuclear missile launchers
  • Supported democratic transition in Egypt
  • Killed senior Al Qaeda leader Anwar Al-Awlaki
  • Strengthened U.S.-Israel relationship

In addition to ThinkProgress’ special report, CAP Action’s partner organization, the Center for American Progress, released an analysis of the latest conservative thinking on national security issues by Brian Katulis and Peter Juul, “The Emerging Conservative Playbook on National Security.”

The analysts argue that conservatives remain divided on key foreign policy questions. Conservatives have yet to articulate their position on leading issues such as China and the global economy, while gravitating toward a return to the failed approach of the Bush administration on other issues, such as Iran, Iraq, and the Middle East.

The only talking point conservatives can agree on is that President Obama has precipitated America’s decline and endangered the country by projecting “weakness” to the world. These criticisms are heavy on talking points but light on realistic policy recommendations. Saturday’s foreign policy debate offers conservatives an opportunity to address their present disarray on national security.

Read the ThinkProgress special report on President Obama’s foreign policy successes here.

Read the Center for American Progress’s report on the latest conservative thinking on national security issues here.

To speak with CAP Action experts on this topic, please contact Anne Shoup at 202.481.7146 or [email protected].
