Press Release

RELEASE: The McCain-Palin Plan for Ohio

With Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin set to appear in Lebanon today, the Center for American Progress Action Fund released two new analyses of the impact of their plans on Ohio

WASHINGTON, DCA new report, John McCain’s Radical Health Care Agenda, describes the consequences of McCain’s health care plan for Ohio. Millions of Ohioans could lose the coverage they get from their jobs, forcing them to shop for health coverage in a deregulated insurance market stripped of consumer protections. Many Ohioans with health problems, such as cancer or diabetes, would find it particularly difficult or even impossible to find adequate coverage. Millions of Ohio families, and more and more Ohio families over time, would pay higher taxes on health premiums.

A new fact sheet, The McCain-Palin Plan for Ohio by the Numbers, provides a by-the-numbers examination of what their agenda will mean for the citizens of Ohio:

  • 6.6 million people in Ohio have employer-based health insurance and are at risk of losing it under John McCain’s plan. [Source: CAPAF]
  • 2.3 million people in Ohio with pre-existing conditions, currently covered by their employer, would find it particularly expensive or even impossible to get coverage under John McCain’s plan. [Source: CAPAF]
  • An Ohio couple making $60,000 a year will see their taxes go up by $1,500 by 2013 under John McCain’s health plan. [Source: CAPAF]
  • The average Ohio worker has seen their real wages decrease by $2,700 since 2000 under the economic policies of George W. Bush — policies that McCain would continue. From 1992 to 1999 real median family income rose $8,100 in the Northeast and $12,000 in the Midwest[i][Source: Census 1,2]
  • Ohio taxpayers will spend $1.2 billion on subsidies for big oil and gas companies under John McCain over the next five years. [Source: CAPAF]
  • Ohio taxpayers are paying approximately $300 million a month for the war in Iraq.[CAPAF analysis of CACN]
  • Since 2003, Ohio taxpayers have paid $20 billion for the Iraq war. [CAPAF analysis of CACN]

[i] Analogous Ohio-only data unavailable

Both the report and the fact sheet are available in full at