As Republicans flail to talk about anything other than their repeated votes to repeal American health care, here’s a quick reminder: the GOP-led House voted 9 times to rip away protections for pre-existing conditions.
Republicans are flat-out lying to the American people. Share this video to make sure they don’t get away with it.

Lies and fear-mongering.
Those are the key pillars of the GOP’s midterm strategy leading up to November 6. The lies are countless and focused on topics across the board, though chief among them are issues of health care and immigration.
The news media is catching on:
- CNN: “Trump spreads lies & stokes fears ahead of elections”
- The Toronto Star: “Trump’s dishonesty careened into the realm of absurdity on the weekend.”
- The Washington Post: “Trump and Republicans settle on fear — and falsehoods — as a midterm strategy”
Even for a president who has already lied more than 5,000 times, and for whom lying seems to be a way of life, the past weeks have been a dazzling display of dishonesty. And the Republican Party is all aboard.
To borrow from Kevin Drum’s powerful thread this morning:
- Trump and Republicans never planned to protect people with pre-existing conditions—they voted nine times to repeal the ACA and rip those protections away.
- Democrats will not destroy Medicare or Social Security (in fact, that’s the Republicans’ plan).
- Illegal immigration is not increasing.
- Voter fraud is not a rampant, dangerous threat.
The list goes on and on in this era of unchecked dishonesty and corruption.