Big Changes

Dear fellow progressive,

I wanted to let you know of some big changes to The Progress Report. Beginning tomorrow, you will receive an e-newsletter with an updated format and a new mission. The Progress Report’s purpose will be to provide you with the key facts, arguments, and talking points you need to win the day’s debate on the most important issues. We’re making these changes in order to present the same kind of information you’re used to receiving from the traditional Progress Report in a more concise, flexible format that is better suited to today’s cluttered inboxes and information overload.

We’ll be highlighting important news items you might have missed throughout the day and flagging emerging stories that you might not hear about from the mainstream media. Here’s what else you can expect from the new email:

1) The Progress Report will also now be an afternoon product, landing in your inboxes around 5 p.m. Eastern time.

2) On Mondays, you’ll still receive a traditional-style, research-intensive Progress Report that provides you with a deep, in-depth look at the story that will drive the week ahead.

3) On Tuesdays through Fridays, you’ll receive a modified version of the Progress Report that streamlines the key arguments and facts about a current political debate.

4) The format will also allow us to include videos and other types of content that the traditional format could not accommodate.

5) The product will be authored by our staff on the ThinkProgress war room.

Earlier today, we also re-launched our award-winning blog, ThinkProgress. It features six new issue-specific blogs: Economy, Green, Health, Justice, LGBT, and Security. Please take a moment to check it out and let us know what you think.

The Progress Report team

The positions of American Progress, and our policy experts, are independent, and the findings and conclusions presented are those of American Progress alone. A full list of supporters is available here. American Progress would like to acknowledge the many generous supporters who make our work possible.


Advocacy Team