Last year, Democratic candidates ran on a promise to put the first real check on Donald Trump’s corrupt nightmare of a presidency. This week, they’re following through.
Here are just a few of the issues House Democrats are tackling this week:
- Prescription drug costs in the U.S. are criminally high. The House Oversight and Reform Committee will explore how and why drug companies are gouging the American public. More info here.
- The American people made it clear last November that they want their reps to defend protections for people with pre-existing conditions against constant GOP sabotage. House Ways & Means is focused on doing just that. Learn more here.
- Playing politics with troop deployments to the southern border crossed a line. House Armed Services is investigating how this decision was made directly before the 2018 midterm elections. Watch the hearing here.
- The #TrumpShutdown had a devastating impact on federal workers, national parks, and public health. The House Energy and Commerce Committee will examine just how much damage was done. Watch the hearing here.
Speaker Pelosi ended Trump’s 35-day shutdown simply by doing what the GOP wouldn’t: standing up to him. Unfortunately for Trump, this is only the beginning.
The nonpartisan CBO estimates that the U.S. economy will permanently lose $3 billion thanks to the unnecessary #TrumpShutdown.
The concrete number is jarring, but it’s also abstract. Let’s not forget that American workers paid the price in countless ways for Trump’s temper tantrum. How many savings accounts were emptied? How many parents agonized over being able to put food on the table or pay for medication?
Trump is already threatening another shutdown in 18 days if he doesn’t get funding for a border wall that Americans don’t want. Republicans should grow some semblance of a spine, stand with Democrats, and make clear that this can’t happen again.
It’s widely agreed by scientists and American voters alike that climate change is real, and humans are part of the cause. Yet, 150 members of the 116th Congress (all Republicans) refuse to believe or admit this fact.
Is it coincidence that those members also each received an average of $455,731 in lifetime contributions from the fossil fuel industry? There is no bigger cost to Trump and the GOP’s #CultureOfCorruption.
For more on the climate deniers in the 116th Congress, click here.