Opposing More Than Just Marriage Equality
Over the weekend, a top Republican pollster put out a memo urging Republicans to recognize the magnitude of the rapid change in public opinion about LGBT issues and start supporting a least some rights for gay people. And today, Gallup reported that societal acceptance of gays and lesbians is “the new normal.”
Most Republicans appear to have not gotten the memo, as it were, and have reiterated their opposition various rights for LGBT people in the wake of President Obama’s historic embrace of marriage equality.
Here’s the rundown.
- Mitt Romney flip-flopped on support for gay adoptions less than 24 hours after signaling his approval. He also falsely claimed it was already legal in all but one state. (It’s not.)
- Romney ally Frank McNulty (R), the Speaker of Colorado House, killed civil unions today after Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) called a special session in order for the legislature to pass the bill, which enjoys strong bipartisan support.
- Mitt Romney, speaking at the extreme anti-gay Liberty University, reiterated his view that marriage is between one man and one woman.
- Rep. James Lankford (R-OK) said that it should be OK to fire people just for being gay, because he says being gay is a choice:

- Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) made an anti-gay joke about the president that was too offensive for even anti-gay crusder Tony Perkins:

- Rep. Allen West (R-FL) denied that workplace discrimination against LGBT people, which is legal in 29 states, even exists:

- Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-TX), who voted against a bill to protect LGBT people from workplace discrimination (ENDA), mistakenly claims that ENDA is already the law:

IN ONE SENTENCE: While most elected Republicans probably won’t come around to supporting marriage equality any time soon, they still have a lot of evolving to do just to support basic rights for LGBT Americans.
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