Governor Scott Walker Made A Big Mistake By Signing “Right-To-Work” Into Law
Last month, we wrote about how unions were under attack in the Midwest. Well, the war continued today as Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) signed so called “right-to-work” legislation into law in Wisconsin. These laws weaken collective bargaining by banning unions from collecting fees or dues from non-union workers for negotiating contracts on their behalf and representing them in labor disputes. Conservatives like Walker claim that this so-called “freedom-to-work” law will make Wisconsin more competitive, but unfortunately for Wisconsin workers, the opposite is true. In fact, “right-to-work” costs the average full-time worker $1,500 a year in lost wages — whether he or she is in a union or not.
While workers suffer, Walker continues to collect campaign contributions for weakening worker protections, including from the president of the company where he signed the “right-to-work” bill into law.
This graphic tells all you need to know about what his actions really mean for Wisconsin families. And it tells all you need to know about the priorities he would bring to the White House if he were elected.

BOTTOM LINE: Walker is more interested in catering to the extreme right-wing than he is in actually growing Wisconsin’s middle class. Wisconsinites have suffered through Walker’s attacks on the middle class for years, and “right-to-work” is only the latest example of policies that hurt working people and increase inequality. That’s the wrong kind of leadership for America.
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