Parents to Trump: Stop tweeting, try being president
As Trump tries to strip protections and health coverage from millions of Americans through Congress and the courts, he gloats about it on Twitter, his cruelty and malice on full display.
For parents with kids whose lives depend on the Affordable Care Act, Trump’s devastating policies and gleeful tweets about them are offensive, dangerous, and harmful. Moms like Tasha and Samantha have had it with Trump’s tweets.
Share this video on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word: Trump’s tweets on health care have real, damaging consequences.

Big progressive ideas: Rural America
This coming week is the Iowa State Fair, and you know what that means: 2020 progressive candidates are rolling out their plans to bolster rural communities. Here are just a few:
- Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA): Internet access is not equal. In fact, “around 39% of Americans in rural areas don’t have access to high-speed internet, compared to 1.5% of Americans in urban areas.” Warren released an $85 billion proposal to close the high-speed internet divide between urban and rural communities, with particular focus on allowing local competition with private Internet Service Providers, setting aside money specifically for tribal nations, and net neutrality. Warren’s plan also includes an initiative to incentivize farmers to fight climate change by adopting sustainable techniques (timely, given this week’s alarming IPCC report that shows land use is an important part of the solution to climate change).
- Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY): Gillibrand’s $50 billion plan would be distributed as block grants to rural communities and tribal nations, in order to give communities the flexibility to address the issues most important to them. Other initiatives in the plan include funding for “improved broadband technology, business training, farm conservation, and improved health care access,” and funding for “developing arts, food and cultural amenities” to make rural areas appealing for young people.
- Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN): Klobuchar’s focus is on farmers and rural America. Her plan would also improve internet access, implement a review of all tariffs, expand rural child care funding, help rural hospitals remain open, invest in renewable energy, and “ensure rural vets and seniors get proper health care, housing, and transportation.”
- Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN): Rural health care is the name of the game for Buttigieg. Framed as making rural communities “places of opportunity,” his plan would focus on expanding rural health care access. It would also address mental health, drug addiction, and work to combat the maternal mortality crisis in rural areas.
Enough is enough
After the mass shooting at an El Paso Walmart last Saturday that left 22 dead, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker are joining advocates to take a stand against gun violence.
Tomorrow morning, Americans will come together to urge Walmart to 1) stop selling guns until Congress passes common-sense laws to reduce gun violence, and 2) stop making political contributions to lawmakers who take money from the NRA.
Enough is enough. Go to for more details and follow along with #WalmartMustAct on Twitter.