The demographics of the United States, are changing rapidly. And as a result, 69 percent of Americans — including half of all Republicans — now believe that unauthorized immigrants who are living in the United States should be allowed to stay in the country. Yet the GOP presidential candidates all want to block and repeal President Obama’s executive actions on immigration and oppose reforms that include a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s unauthorized immigrants.
For a full snapshot of the GOP candidate’s harmful immigration policies and actions, see the chart below.
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- An estimated 4 million unauthorized immigrants would be temporarily protected by President Obama’s executive actions on immigration —DACA and DAPA. TWEET
- With full implementation of President Obama’s executive actions, U.S. GDP would increase by a cumulative $230 million over the next decade. TWEET
- This year, there will be an estimated 58.1 million Latinos in the United States. TWEET
- 29,000 jobs would be created each year over the next decade if DACA and DAPA were fully implemented. TWEET
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- This year there will be an estimated 58.1 million Latinos in the United States. TWEET
- Latinos over the age of 18 will comprise 16 percent of the U.S. adult population in 2016. TWEET
- Latinos this year will make up 13 percent of all eligible voters in 2016. TWEET
- 93% of Latino children are U.S –born citizens and will be eligible to vote when they reach 18. TWEET
- This year, 1.5 million DAPA-affected individuals will be eligible to vote. TWEET