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Today Donald Trump will take the oath of office, officially becoming the 45th President of the United States. As he moves in, advocates and activists from around the country will be in Washington DC to resist the spread of hate, racism, sexism, and xenophobia that has come along with Trump’s campaign and administration. Generation Progress has compiled a list of events happening in the DC area over the weekend.

See the full list here. And check out this list for businesses in the DC area that are donating a portion of their profits made over the weekend to local and national nonprofits. Not going to be in DC? No problem, there are hundreds of events happening across the country. Find one near you here.
“All talk, no action.”
That’s been a favorite of Trump’s criticisms of politicians. “You vote them in with great fanfare, and then they do nothing,” he said. “With Trump, that’s not going to happen. Believe me.” From building a wall to saving Medicare, Trump has made a lot of promises in the 538 days since he rode that golden escalator and launched his presidential bid. Luckily our friends at ThinkProgress have compiled 663 of Trump’s promises in this interactive database. Those promises matter. Those promises are the reason many voters chose Trump. So starting today, ThinkProgress will be watching and tracking which promises Trump fulfills and which he breaks.