McConnell holds the door open for Russia
When asked if Trump’s campaign established a dangerous precedent of accepting campaign assistance from hostile foreign powers, this was Mueller’s response: “I hope this is not the new normal. But I fear it is.” (Remember that Trump gave a standing invitation for foreign interference in our elections just a few weeks ago.)
One day later, the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee released a terrifying report detailing the extent of the Russian effort to influence the 2016 elections with attacks on election infrastructure in all 50 states.
This report should scare every American. The Senate should have held a vote two years ago to defend our democracy. Instead, Majority Leader McConnell has blocked two election-security votes in the last two days alone. Any Senator who doesn’t demand McConnell hold a vote immediately is complicit.
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Check out this report from the Center for American Progress for more on what must be done to secure our elections.
Big progressive ideas
While Trump and Senate Republicans block every piece of legislation that would help working Americans (and spit in the face of our democracy in the process), progressive leaders are rolling out big plans to tackle health care, climate change, and education:
- Universal health care through Medicare Extra: The Center for American Progress released an analysis of its Medicare Extra proposal this week, a bold, progressive avenue to achieve universal health care that also allows employers to sponsor quality health coverage. The independent analysis found that Medicare Extra would lower national health care expenditures by more than $300 billion by 2031 and could be paid for only with tax hikes on the wealthy and corporations.
- $10T to fight climate change: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) was the latest progressive leader to lay out a plan to combat climate change. Her $10 trillion, 10-year plan would bring the U.S. to net-zero carbon and greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, build a green jobs economy, and “prioritize climate investments in low-income communities and communities of color.”
- Fixing structural inequality in education: Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) wants to spend $500 billion to fix structural inequities in the U.S. education system. The plan would aim to “close the funding gap between predominantly whiter and non-white school districts,” end racial disparities in school discipline practicies, and address student debt.