New Census Data Provides Further Evidence That The ACA Works
Much to the (probable) chagrin of ACA opponents everywhere, more evidence that the law is working came out of census data released this morning. The number of uninsured Americans fell by 8.8 million last year alone, according to the census report. This new data adds to the recently released National Health Interview Survey that found as of early 2015, the national uninsured rate has fallen to a historic low of 9.2 percent bringing the total number of people who have gained insurance under the ACA to 15.8 million.
For a more detailed look at the census insurance data, check out this Center for American Progress column. For now, here are a few key facts from today’s report:
- Every single state saw a drop in their uninsured population. From 2013 to 2014, every state and DC saw their uninsured rates fall significantly.
- States that expanded Medicaid saw a much bigger drop in uninsured rates. States that expanded Medicaid before 2015 saw their uninsured rates drop by an average of 25 percent, while states that did not expand Medicaid saw an average drop of only 13.4 percent.
- Florida and Texas—the two states with the largest uninsured populations—highlight the significant effect Medicaid expansion has on the uninsured rate. Florida’s uninsured population fell by 17 percent last year, but if the state had expanded Medicaid, it could have dropped by an additional 8 percent. Texas would see even bigger gains from Medicaid expansion. The state saw a 13 percent drop in its uninsured rate last year, but if it had expanded Medicaid it could have seen an additional 11.4 percent drop.
The results are clear: the Affordable Care Act is working in every state, but if the 20 states that have so far refused to expand Medicaid took this important step, the impact of the law would be even greater. This new evidence showing the ACA is working comes just in time for the second GOP presidential debate where each of the 11 candidates participating in the main event has promised to repeal the ACA. Be sure to tune into tonight’s debate and follow along with @CAPAction on twitter.
BOTTOM LINE: This most recent census data adds to the ever-growing stockpile of evidence proving that the Affordable Care Act has succeeded in bringing quality, affordable health insurance to millions of Americans. It also serves as further evidence of how out-of-touch the GOP presidential candidates–who still insist on repealing the ACA–remain.
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