How the 99 Percent Are Changing America One News Story at a Time
As ThinkProgress cataloged, the corporate media sought early on to attack the Occupy Wall Street protest and the 99 Percent Movement as a whole. Right-wing outlets like Fox News and The Daily Caller continue to do so, but the 99 Percent Movement appears to have had a profound impact on the media at large.
ThinkProgress’ Zaid Jilani has the goods:
A ThinkProgress review of the media coverage of the last week of July found that the word “debt” was mentioned more than 7,000 times on MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News, and “unemployed” was only mentioned 75 times:

Yet now, things have changed. With the debt ceiling debates behind the country and thanks partly to the pressure being brought upon politicians and the media by the 99 Percent Movement and the occupations taking place all over the country, it looks as if the press is finally focusing on the jobs crisis and the behavior of Wall Street instead. A ThinkProgress review of the same three networks between Oct. 10 and Oct. 16 finds that the word “debt” only netted 398 mentions, while “occupy” grabbed 1,278, Wall Street netted 2,378, and jobs got 2,738:

Occupy Vegas Gives CNN the 99 Percent Treatment
CNN anchor Erin Burnett was widely criticized for a snotty segment on her new show in which she alternately attacked and dismissed Occupy Wall Street. Well, Burnett was in Las Vegas for last night’s GOP presidential debate and had a little trouble speaking over some nearby Occupy Vegas protesters who were yelling, “The banks got bailed out! We got sold out!”
Watch it:

Survey Says: Americans Strongly Support Occupy Wall Street Protests
A new poll out today from National Journal shows strong support for the Occupy Wall Street protesters:
A new survey shows that Americans overwhelmingly support the self-styled Occupy Wall Street protests that not only have disrupted life in Lower Manhattan but also in Washington and cities and towns across the U.S. and in other nations. Some 59 percent of adults either completely agree or mostly agree with the protesters, while 31 percent mostly disagree or completely disagree; 10 percent of those surveyed didn’t know or refused to answer.
What’s more, many people are paying attention to the rallies. Almost two-thirds of respondents—65 percent—said they’ve heard “a lot” or “some” about the rallies, while 35 percent have said they’ve heard or seen “not too much” or “nothing at all” about the demonstrations.
Evening Brief: Important Stories That You May Have Missed
As child abuse reaches to new heights, Texas Gov. Rick Perry cut his state’s prevention funds.
Where are the women in the New York Times’ “expanded” opinion pages?
President Barack Obama and Jon Stewart strike a similar tone on Occupy Wall Street.
A right-wing website thinks the hashtag 99 Percent Movement protesters are using looks like a swastika.
A member of Fox News’ Medical A-Team thinks the same-sex parents of a transgender youth need “psychological evaluations.”
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) endorses Alabama’s “Papers, please!” law for school children.
A President Michele Bachmann would ask Iraq to pay America back for the war it started.
Right-wing pro-Israel group’s board member advocates genocide of Palestinians.
The media give the GOP presidential candidates a pass on science.
VIDEO: Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley & The American Idea
The Center for American Progress recently held a conference last week called The American Idea: Toward More Perfect Union. Check out one of our favorite moments — a discussion between O’Malley and CAP President and CEO John Podesta.
Watch it: