More Than Half Of All Congressional Republicans Deny Man-Made Climate Change
While the House gears up to vote on Keystone XL pipeline legislation tomorrow, here is a bit of important context: 53 percent of House Republicans in the new Congress are climate deniers.
Today, we at CAP Action released a comprehensive look at the extent of climate denial in the 114th Congress. While more than 97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by human activity, 53 percent of House Republicans and 72 percent of Senate Republicans deny it. A truly alarming finding of our report: 91 percent of Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee deny humans are responsible for climate change.
You can read the full report, which has an interactive map with details on how each state performs, here. And be sure to check out the infographic below as well, which among other things, details how much this anti-science caucus has racked up in campaign contributions from dirty energy companies:

BOTTOM LINE: Man-made climate change is real, end of story. Refusing to address it hurts our environment, our nation’s public health, and our economy. Republicans need to stop worrying about the bottom lines of carbon polluters and start worrying about the health and safety of our communities and families.
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