@SenTedCruz: “Great news for job creators across America — Texas takes down Obama admin job-killing regulation.” (11/22/2016). @RepMeehan: “Good news on a misguided DC regulation that would have harmed small businesses and threatened middle-class jobs”(11/22/2016). @USRepLong: “Huge win for small businesses!” (11/22/2016).
On Tuesday, Judge Amos Mazzant of the Eastern District of Texas issued an injunction against a new Department of Labor rule that would raise the overtime salary threshold from $23,660 to $47,476 per year. The rule was set to take effect December 1, 2016.
@RepKevinCramer: “Another Obama rule struck down in court. Labor policy must respect Congress & have stakeholder input.” (11/22/2016). @SenAlexander: “Court decision gives Pres-elect Trump & Congress oppty. to revise “destructive” (11/22/2016). @RepFrenchHill: “Good news for our small businesses, cities, towns, colleges and universities, and non-profit organizations.” (11/22/2016).
The injunction against the overtime rule shuts millions of working families out of a raise. According to the Obama administration, the new rule would extend overtime protections to 4.2 million workers. The Economic Policy Institute estimates that the new rule will directly benefit 12.5 million people because it would strengthen overtime protections for other workers covered by the rule.
@RepDianeBlack: “DOL #overtime rule was poised to hurt the very people it pretends to help. Court decision = a victory for #TN06 job creators & workers.” (11/22/2016). @RepRatcliffe: “Earlier this year @HouseGOP voted to stop the @USDOL’s harmful overtime rule, and I’m glad it’s now blocked from going into effect on Dec 1.” (11/22/2016). @cathymcmorris: “This is just another example of our overreaching executive and why we must restore the people to the center of government.” (11/22/2016).
The injunction is a victory for big business. The lawsuit culminating in this week’s injunction was led by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and is the most recent assault by the big business lobby against boosting worker wages and strengthening worker protections.
@RepPeteOlson: “Good judicial decision to halt the job killing #DOL #overtime rule” (11/22/2016). @farenthold: “A TX judge just granted an emergency injunction blocking the DOL overtime rule.” (11/22/2016). @RepByrne: “This decision will help bring relief to the many workers who were frustrated they were moving moved from a salaried employee to hourly.” (11/22/2016).
By rejecting the salary threshold, Judge Mazzant’s interpretation of overtime protections would make it much easier for employers to classify salaried workers as exempt from overtime pay even if these workers spend very little of their time performing the “executive, administrative, and professional” duties that are supposed to exempt these employees from overtime pay.
@RepGoodlatte: “This is good news for the many small business owners & hard working employees who would be negatively impacted by the #OvertimeRule.” (11/22/2016). @SenatorLankford: “#Oklahoma #smallbusiness owners, colleges & charities say #overtimerule leads to job loss, increased tuition & less charitable services.” (11/22/2016). @SenJohnMcCain: “Good news for #Arizona businesses that have been forced to comply w/ onerous fed’l reg: “Judge blocks overtime rule” (11/22/2016).
@SpeakerRyan: “President Obama tried to rush this rule out before leaving office. It is a disaster that would hurt the very people it claims to help.” (11/22/2016). @SenTomCotton: “My statement on Federal Judge’s decision to grant an injunction against DOL #OvertimeRule.” ow.ly/V096306riWX (11/22/2016) @JohnBoozman: “This injunction is great news for #Arkansas and an important step to reining in the Obama administration’s abuse of the regulatory process.” (11/23/2016).
@JohnCornyn: “Good: Federal judge blocks Obama overtime pay rule” (11/23/2016).