Center for American Progress Action

: Our Democracy at Risk: How We Can Reclaim It
Past Event

Our Democracy at Risk: How We Can Reclaim It

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT

Citizens United unleashed powerful special-interest groups that can spend unlimited amounts of money. Since then, the United States has seen a meteoric rise in secret political spending by unaccountable spenders, undermining public confidence in the U.S. democracy. At the same time, the nation is seeing the most sustained attack on the freedom to vote in generations. Congress has not succeeded in addressing the crisis in campaign money, and citizens need to look elsewhere for solutions. An executive order from the White House on contractor disclosure would expose much of the spending that is done to influence government contracting decisions. Citizen-led solutions on voting rights and money in politics are succeeding at the ballot box and in state legislatures.

Join the Center for American Progress Action Fund for a panel discussion with policymakers and experts as they examine how an executive order could be a valuable first step in increasing transparency and accountability, as well as other solutions to fight the improper influence of money and increase political participation by returning the government to the American people.