Sexist media coverage has been damaging the campaigns and careers of women candidates for years. For far too long political advisors have been telling their women candidates to ignore sexist attacks. That advice is wrong. Name It. Change It.’s groundbreaking research proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that all sexism damages a woman candidate’s standing with voters, whether it’s heightened scrutiny of her appearance, sexism masked as a compliment, or sexism that uses gendered language to attack the candidate. Furthermore, this damage affects women of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. Name It. Change It.’s research clearly shows, however, that when women candidates and third-party validators openly respond to sexist attacks, they can repair the damage done to their campaigns—and can even gather more support than they had before.
Join this session to hear from prominent women leaders of color who will explain the research’s massive ramifications for all women candidates and offer a personal response to the report’s findings.