EVENT FULL: This event is now full and we can no longer accept RSVPs. Please watch the live webcast here.
The reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, or ESEA, is a ripe opportunity to encourage education reform across the nation. A series of delays has prevented ESEA from reaching the finish line, raising the question of what Congress can accomplish in the current environment. What is the current state of progress on ESEA? What actions and inactions have brought us to this point? And what is at stake should the law be revised (or not) this year?
Join us as we hear from Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Rep. George Miller, and former Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings on the stakes of ESEA reauthorization. Their comments will be followed by a response from Randi Weingarten and Amy Wilkins.
At the event the Center for American Progress will release, "A Way Forward," a new document outlining the case for reauthorizing ESEA along with specific federal recommendations for improving our nation’s schools.