Tuesday, September 23, 2008 – 12:00pm to 1:15pm
Please join the Center for American Progress Action Fund and the National Urban League Policy Institute for a special presentation:
Featured Speakers:
Jocelyn Frye, General Counsel, National Partnership for Women and Families
Stephanie Jones, Executive Director, Policy Institute, National Urban League
Avis Jones-Deweever, Program Director, National Council of Negro Women
Moderated by:
Joy Moses, Policy Analyst, Center for American Progress Action Fund
In a recent publication, The State of Black America 2008: The Black Woman’s Voice, the National Urban League thoroughly explored several topics related to the economic well-being of black women. What emerged from their analysis was what one chapter author referred to as "a tale of two cities"—some African-American women are sitting in the valley and others are high on the hill. A disproportionate number of black women are represented within statistics related to poverty, and lack access to economic and educational opportunity. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum, a significant number of black women are engaged in higher education, professional careers, and the development of their own businesses. Certain barriers face both groups as they seek to improve their economic well-being.
These barriers should be addressed. As the next president and the next Congress work to rectify a number of economic woes currently affecting the country, the voices of varying segments of American culture should be a part of the dialogue—including African-American women.
This panel will explore the economic divide between black women, some of their barriers to economic mobility, and related policy recommendations for the next administration and the next Congress. Receiving particular focus will be issues related to poverty reduction, pay inequity, workplace discrimination, and higher education and job training opportunities.
Admission is free. A light lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m.
Center for American Progress Action Fund 1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005
Map & Directions Nearest Metro: Blue/Orange Line to McPherson Square or Red Line to Metro Center
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