Center for American Progress Action

ADVISORY: Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to Discuss Innovation and Infrastructure
Press Advisory

ADVISORY: Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to Discuss Innovation and Infrastructure

Washington, D.C. — On Friday, July 20 Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood will join CAP Action’s Neera Tanden to discuss innovative methods to finance needed infrastructure projects.

Updating our aging infrastructure will help American regain its economic strength and improve the competitiveness of our economy. Equally evident is the strain on public financing in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, which has severely reduced the resources available to many state and local governments for major infrastructure projects.

In light of these twin challenges, innovative ways to finance infrastructure projects can help America’s economic growth. One promising option is Mayor Emanuel’s Chicago Infrastructure Trust. The trust has the potential to finance infrastructure projects, not by relying on direct federal financing or the general obligation bonding authority of cities but by leveraging private capital to fund meritorious infrastructure projects that would then repay the investors without selling off public assets.

Introduction by:

Secretary Ray LaHood
, U.S. Department of Transportation

Featured speaker:
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel

Moderated by:
Neera Tanden
, President, Center for American Progress; Counselor, Center for American Progress Action Fund

July 20, 2012
10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Center for American Progress Action Fund
1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005

To RSVP for this event, please email Katie Peters at [email protected].
