Center for American Progress Action

ADVISORY: Name-Reading Vigil to Stop Gun Violence Resumes Today Outside the U.S. Capitol Building as #NoMoreNames
Press Advisory

ADVISORY: Name-Reading Vigil to Stop Gun Violence Resumes Today Outside the U.S. Capitol Building as #NoMoreNames

As Senate Returns from Recess, Families of Victims and Survivors of Gun Violence Join Advocates to Read Names of Those Killed Until Congress Takes Action

Follow on Twitter: #NoMoreNames

Washington, D.C. — In an effort to demand congressional action on gun legislation, families of victims and survivors of gun violence, as well as gun-violence prevention advocates, will gather outside the U.S. Capitol building today at noon to resume reading the names of the more than 3,300 men, women, and children who have been killed by guns since the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, last December. Entitled the #NoMoreNames campaign, the round-the-clock public demonstration is intended to remember those who have tragically lost their lives by urging Congress to approve common-sense gun-violence prevention measures.

Originating under the name Filibuster the Filibuster, the #NoMoreNames campaign began last week on Wednesday, April 10, when families of gun-violence victims began continuously reading names of those killed as Republican senators threatened to not allow debate or a vote on background checks. It took more than 12 hours to read the names of the more than 3,300 individuals who have been killed by guns since the Newtown shooting. After 12 hours, the demonstration continued and advocates began reading the names again. In total, 10,076 names were read continuously for 32 hours and 40 minutes.  After the first day of action by advocates, the Senate voted 68 to 31 to allow debate on legislation to address gun violence to proceed. Reading paused when the Senate went out of session late Thursday.

When the reading of the names resumes today at noon, the first reader will be Eddie Weingart, who as a 2-year saw his mother shot and killed.  Others readers have included Jillian Soto, whose sister Vicki Soto died shielding her students at Sandy Hook Elementary School; Emily Nottingham, the mother of former Rep. Gabby Giffords’ (D-AZ) staffer Gabe Zimmerman who was shot and killed in Tucson, Arizona, in the attack on Rep. Giffords life; Steve Barton, survivor of the Aurora, Colorado shooting; and Lori Haas, whose daughter survived the Virginia Tech shooting; Chief Jim Johnson, police chief of Baltimore County, Maryland; and Rep. Elizabeth Esty (D-CT), who represents Newtown.

The #NoMoreNames campaign is being organized by gun-violence-prevention advocates from the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Americans for Responsible Solutions, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Coalition To Stop Gun Violence, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, chapters of the Million Mom March, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, Newtown Action Alliance, Organizing for Action, the PICO National Network, Project to End Gun Violence, Protest Easy Guns, and Sojourners.


A round-the-clock vigil commemorating the 3,300 lives lost to gun violence since Newtown and calling on Congress to take action.


Monday, April 15, 2013, commencing at 12:00 p.m.
Name reading will continue until the Senate passes gun policy reform.


Outside the U.S. Capitol Building at the House Triangle

Campaign resources:

For more information, please contact Katie Peters at [email protected] or 202.741.6285.
