For a full rundown of "Romney University" events, click here.
Washington, D.C. — On Tuesday, July 31, Anita Dunn, Sandra Fluke, Karen Finney, and Anna Greenberg will join CAP Action experts to discuss how a Romney presidency would impact women’s health and economic security.
The discussion will take place one day ahead of the official date when key provisions of Obamacare will kick in, allowing millions of women to recieve access to benefits. The panel will discuss how Mitt Romney’s pledge to repeal health reform and strip women of their access to preventive services might impact female voters. In addition to addressing the impact Romney’s health care agenda will have on the female electorate, the conversation will also touch on how women’s economic wellness would fair under a president who isn’t certain whether he supports pay equity.
This panel is part of a half-day event kicking off "Romney University," a series of events and paper releases aimed at providing influential policy and opinion makers inside the Beltway and beyond with all they need to know about Gov. Romney’s policy proposals.
Introductory remarks:
Jessica Arons, Director, Women’s Health and Rights Program, Center for American Progress Action Fund
Moderated by:
Tara McGuinness, Senior Vice President, Center for American Progress Action Fund
Featured panelists:
Anita Dunn, Managing Director, SKDKnickerbocker
Karen Finney, Democratic strategist
Sandra Fluke, Women’s Health Activist
Anna Greenberg, Senior Vice President and Principal, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Lunch will be served
Center for American Progress Action Fund
1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
RSVP to attend this event
For more information, contact Katie Peters at [email protected] or 202.741.6285.
For a full rundown of "Romney University" events, click here.