Washington, D.C. — Tonight, 16 Republican candidates will take the stage in both a forum and a debate in Cleveland, Ohio, as the 2016 presidential election begins to heat up. Up until this point, many GOP candidates have used new rhetoric to paint themselves as friends of the middle class, while they continue to trumpet the trickle-down economic policies that have crippled Ohio families. The reality of their policies’ harmful impact, however, does not match their rhetoric.
The following experts from the Center for American Progress Action Fund are available for comment today and tonight:
- Carmel Martin, Executive Vice President, Policy (education, general)
- Winnie Stachelberg, Executive Vice President, External Affairs (LGBT, general)
- Angie Kelley, Executive Director (immigration, general)
- Arkadi Gerney, Senior Vice President, Campaigns and Strategies (guns, general)
- David Madland, Managing Director, Economic Policy; Director, American Worker Project (economy)
- Michele Jawando, Vice President, Legal Progress (courts, voting rights, general)
- Judd Legum, Editor in Chief, ThinkProgress
- Greg Dotson, Vice President, Energy Policy (energy)
- Topher Spiro, Vice President, Health Policy (health care)
- Brian Katulis, Senior Fellow, National Security (Iran, national security)
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For more information on these resources or to speak with an expert, contact Benton Strong at [email protected] or 202.481.8142.