Independent Analysis Shows Wide-Spread Loss of Benefits, Increase in Taxes for Middle Class
ST. PAUL, MN – With ordinary Americans increasingly struggling under the combined impact of the banking and health care crises, the Center for American Progress Action Fund is preparing to release a report detailing how the McCain health care plan would increase the burden on middle-class families in Minnesota. The report, which will be released Thursday at a joint press conference held by Change to Win, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and the Minnesota Nurses Association, will detail the number of Minnesotans expected to lose employer-sponsored health insurance under John McCain’s health care plan. It also details the tax hike middle class families would experience over four years under John McCain’s health care plan. Center for American Progress Action Fund Senior Fellow James Kvaal will join SEIU Healthcare Minnesota President Julie Schnell and TakeAction Minnesota Executive Director Dan McGrath to discuss what the McCain health plan means for Minnesota.
Who: Julie Schnell, President, SEIU Healthcare Minnesota
Dan McGrath, Executive Director, TakeAction Minnesota
James Kvaal, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress Action Fund
With participation from Change to Win, SEIU, and the Minnesota Nurses Association
What: Press Conference to Release Report on Effects on McCain Health Plan on Minnesota
When: Thursday, October 2, 2008 at 10:30 AM
Where: House Room 118, State Capitol
St. Paul MN