Center for American Progress Action

PRESS CALL ADVISORY: Solutions to Volatile Oil Prices: Aiding Our Economic Recovery and Strengthening National Security
Press Advisory

PRESS CALL ADVISORY: Solutions to Volatile Oil Prices: Aiding Our Economic Recovery and Strengthening National Security

To hear the audio of this press call, please click here. (mp3)

Washington, D.C. — Political instability in the Middle East over the past month has driven parallel unrest in world oil prices. The drive for political freedom in the Middle East has rightfully captured the world’s attention but it has also roiled oil markets. Governments across the globe are worried that sustained unrest will escalate oil prices past $100 per barrel on their way to $120 or more, choking the struggling economic recovery in the United States and other nations, and weakening our national security.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) will speak about his plan to increase energy independence through the deployment of electric vehicles and increased fuel efficiency for heavy trucks to eliminate the country’s need to import oil from overseas (all imports except those from Canada and Mexico) by 2030. He will be joined by Daniel J. Weiss, CAPAF Senior Fellow and Director of Climate Strategy, who will discuss short-term and long-term measures we can use to stabilize volatile oil prices, with the aim of increasing our energy independence.

What: Press call to discuss how the United States can stabilize oil prices in the near term and reduce oil use.


Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Member, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee

Daniel J. Weiss, Senior Fellow and Director of Climate Strategy, Center for American Progress Action Fund

When: Wednesday, March 2, 2011, at 11:30 a.m. EST

Call Info: 877.210.8943

Conference ID: 48861523

RSVP: Please contact Christina DiPasquale at 202.481.8181 or [email protected] to RSVP to the call.

To hear the audio of this press call, please click here. (mp3)

Please click here for a comprehensive oil savings agenda.

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