Center for American Progress Action

RELEASE: Republicans’ “Pledge to America” Fails Communities of Color
Press Release

RELEASE: Republicans’ “Pledge to America” Fails Communities of Color

Washington, D.C. — Today, House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn and Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus Xavier Becerra joined the Center for American Progress Action Fund on a press call to release a CAP Action report detailing the negative impact the Republican “Pledge to America” would have on communities of color across the country. The Republican pledge would resurrect the exact same Bush policies that led to the worst recession since the Great Depression and repeal laws that shield working families from the worst practices of the banking and insurance companies. The report finds if enacted, the pledge would:

  • Eliminate an additional 1 million American jobs when African Americans and Hispanics are struggling with depression-level unemployment rates.
  • Cut Pell Grants for 8 million students and 200,000 from Head Start when African Americans and Hispanics rely on these programs for a quality education.
  • Allow insurers to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions and increase premiums by repealing the Affordable Care Act.
  • Give no hope for a comprehensive fix to our broken immigration system, keeping millions of law-abiding, hard working immigrant families in the shadows.

To read full report, click here.
