Washington, D.C.—The following is a statement from John D. Podesta, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Center for American Progress Action Fund:
"The Center for American Progress Action Fund is pleased to welcome Anna Burger to our Board of Directors. She has been a longtime friend of the Center for American Progress and CAP Action and we’re very happy that she has agreed to help us advance our mission by serving in this new capacity.
Anna Burger has been fighting hard for progressive ideas and policies for nearly 40 years, including the visionary leadership she has provided for the progressive movement over the past decade. We face numerous opportunities and many challenges over the next two years and look forward to Anna’s help in charting our course. As we continue to push for an economy built on a strong middle class that works for all Americans, Anna’s continued leadership and experience could not come at a more important time."
Anna Burger recently retired after serving as the secretary treasurer of, Service Employees International Union, or SEIU, the nation’s fastest growing union. Burger was the chair of Change to Win, and the first woman to head an American labor federation. Burger is a member of the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board and has been an outspoken voice on the role the unions can play to restore economic fairness and rebuild the American economy.