Center for American Progress Action

STATEMENT: CAP Action’s Adam Hersh On Today’s GDP Report
Press Statement

STATEMENT: CAP Action’s Adam Hersh On Today’s GDP Report

Washington, D.C. — Today, Center for American Progress Action Fund economist Adam Hersh had the following reaction to the announcement of the second-quarter U.S. gross domestic product numbers:

Today’s GDP numbers were as predictable as they are disheartening—and the blame lies squarely with those who opposed the president’s American Jobs Act nearly a year ago and have continued to oppose sensible policies to expand public investments that create jobs and economic growth. The American Jobs Act would have added millions of jobs and strongly boosted GDP this year. Instead, we have endured the spectacle of a Republican-controlled House voting 33 times to repeal health care reform—rather than doing their job to put Americans back to work. It raises the question whether this is the economy they want.

To speak with Adam Hersh, contact Katie Peters at [email protected] or 202.741.6285.
