Washington, D.C. – Today, Daniel J. Weiss, Senior Fellow and Director of Climate Strategy at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, released the following statement on Senator Max Baucus’ “Clean, Affordable Energy Production Plan”:
Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) is driving on the right road by proposing to eliminate the billions in tax breaks to large oil and gas companies and invest those savings in an energy plan that would save families money and create jobs, without adding a cent to the deficit.
Senator Baucus’ leadership in promoting more fuel efficient cars and cleaner domestic fuels will speed the reduction of our reliance on foreign sources of oil from a region where political instability, and the speculators that prey on these supply fears, drive up the price of gasoline for American families.
The proposal put forward by the Center for American Progress in March – “Cleaner Cars, Less Foreign Oil” – recognizes that building a motor vehicle refueling infrastructure to deliver electricity, natural gas and advanced biofuels, as also advocated by Senator Baucus, will aid our economic recovery. We look forward to working with him to advance an oil savings plan that puts the interests of working families before Big Oil.
For more information on new Big Oil profit numbers, tax loopholes, and speculation, click here.
To read CAP’s “Cleaner Cars, Less Foreign Oil” proposal, click here.