Center for American Progress Action

THINKPROGRESS Receives Sidney Hillman Foundation Journalism Award for Best Blog in 2008
Press Release

THINKPROGRESS Receives Sidney Hillman Foundation Journalism Award for Best Blog in 2008

WASHINGTON, DC – ThinkProgress, the blog of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, has been awarded the 2008 best blog award by the Sidney Hillman Foundation’s Journalism Awards. The blog team will receive the award at a ceremony scheduled for May 27, 2008 at the Millennium Broadway Hotel Hudson Theatre in New York City.

Sidney Hillman was one of the nation’s great labor leaders, founding a predecessor union of UNITE. Since 1950, the Sidney Hillman Foundation has recognized journalists, writers, and public figures whose work promotes social and economic justice. Each year, an independent panel of judges gives a prize in the categories of book, newspaper, magazine, broadcast media, photojournalism and blogs published or aired in the previous year.

Joining ThinkProgress as recipients of the journalism awards: broadcast journalists Bill Moyers and Kathy Hughes, author Robert Kuttner, magazine journalist Ray Ring, newspaper journalist Charles Duhigg, and photojournalist Luis Sinco.

The ThinkProgress team consists of:

Faiz Shakir, Editor-in-Chief

Amanda Terkel. Deputy Editor

Matt Corley, Research Associate

Satyam Khanna, Research Associate

Ali Frick, Research Associate

Benjamin J. Armbruster, Research Associate
