High Risk, No Reward

By now you’ve heard that House Leadership is bringing Trumpcare back from the dead (again). By now you’ve also probably heard that the latest version of the health care plan guts protections from people with pre-existing conditions. But today new CAP analysis gives more detail on how Trumpcare would fail the millions of Americans living with pre-existing conditions.

The latest version of Trumpcare includes an amendment that allows states to let insurance companies to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions if they experience a gap in coverage. That would mean people with serious pre-existing conditions would face premiums so high, they’d be priced out of the health insurance market.

In an attempt to make up for breaking promises on pre-existing conditions, the Trump Administration suggested states could create high-risk pools to cover people priced out of the market because of their pre-existing conditions. High-risk pools, a perennial conservative proposal, have consistently failed in the past and aren’t a serious alternative to the Affordable Care Act. (More on why they don’t work here). Now, new CAP analysis finds that the high-risk pools funded by Trumpcare would fall short by about $200 billion over 10 years. Underfunded high-risk pools will lead to long wait lists, sky-high deductibles, and unaffordable premiums. Americans literally cannot afford Trumpcare.


#VoteNo. Today could be the day that the Affordable Care Act lives or dies. If they have the votes, the House will vote to pass Trumpcare on Thursday. Let’s make sure they don’t. Join our partners for a national call in day urging Congress to vote NO on Trumpcare. Call your representative at 866-426-2631 to make sure Congress can’t ignore our voices. Then share TrumpcareToolkit.org.


#WomenWhoWork. Ivanka Trump’s new book, “Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules for Success” debuts today. While the book bills itself as a guide for working women, the reality is there is a glaring discrepancy between what Ivanka says, and what she does (or doesn’t do) to help women navigate the myriad of challenges they face in the workplace. Join in on Twitter today to #AskIvanka to get real and address the needs of today’s working families.

#JordanEdwards. Over the weekend police shot and killed 15-year-old Jordan Edwards as he was leaving a party in a Dallas suburb. Edwards was in the passenger seat of a car when an officer opened fire, shooting him in the head. Initially, the Police Department of Balch Springs, Texas said the officers opened fire because the car was reversing towards the officers in an “aggressive manner” but the officers have since said the car was driving away from them when Edwards was shot. Jordan Edwards’ is now the most recent—and the youngest—of far too many lives lost at the hands of those meant to protect them. In 2017 alone, 331 people have been shot and killed by police. We can do better.

No, you’re crying. Jimmy Kimmel made headlines last night as he tearfully described his newborn son’s heart disease. Kimmel’s son fortunately survived his open-heart surgery and appears to be on the road to recovery. As Kimmel pointed out, they were lucky because they could afford treatment, but if Trumpcare gets passed, many with pre-existing conditions might not be able to afford care. Kimmel said, “No parent should ever have to decide if they can afford to save their child’s life.” If you agree, call your representative and tell them to vote no on Trumpcare.

#EqualityForward. One in four LGBTQ people reported discrimination in 2016, according to a new research by the Center for American Progress. The nationally-representative survey found that discrimination against LGBTQ Americans is widespread and that it shapes their lives in profound ways. LGBT people report hiding relationships, deciding where to live and work, and even avoiding the doctor’s office to avoid discrimination. This survey underscores why we need comprehensive LGBT nondiscrimination protections at all levels of government. Today Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Rep. Cicilline (D-RI) re-introduced the Equality Act, a bill that provides explicit, statutory protections from discrimination for LGBT people in all aspects of life, including housing, employment, public accommodations, credit, and education.

Throwing progress out the window. It looks like the Trump Administration is ready to roll-back key initiatives championed by former First Lady Michele Obama, including her efforts to promote healthier and more nutritious school lunches. Also potentially on the chopping block is her “Let Girls Learn” program, which she pioneered in 2015 to support the education of girls in developing countries around the world.


#RaiseTheWage. Democrats in the Senate are introducing a bill, called the Raise the Wage Act of 2017, that would raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2024. Under this legislation, nearly 30 percent of American workers would see higher wages, including more than 40 percent of Black workers and a third of Latino workers. The bill would increase consumer spending and reduce taxpayer spending on public-assistance programs as well. Read more here.


Alternative History. Alexandra Petri wrote the story of the Civil War according to Donald Trump. Read this to make you feel better after Jimmy Kimmel’s story makes you cry.

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