Hide your wallet

It’s another day in Trump’s America—and another day to stand up for what’s right. Get the facts to fight back.

Trump’s newest attack is on Americans’ wallets

In a set of regulatory rollbacks, Trump is taking aim at our retirement savings, overtime pay, and how much we spend at the gas pump—all to line the pockets of his corporate cronies. In total, these rollbacks will cost Americans nearly $42 BILLION.

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Trump’s rollbacks of the fiduciary rule, overtime rule, and clean car standards could combine to leave Americans at risk of losing:

  • $17 billion in stolen retirement savings
  • $841 million in overtime pay coming out of our paychecks
  • $24 billion spent at the gas pump

If you needed any more proof, here it is. Trump doesn’t care about hurting working people as long as his interests are served.

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Promises made, promises actually kept

While Republicans in Congress are busy covering up Trump’s crimes and stealing money from working families, House Democrats are tackling two key issues with comprehensive legislation.

CLOSING THE PAY GAP: It’s 2019, and women still make just 80 cents to every $1 made by a man (it’s even worse for women of color). House Democrats (with the help of seven Republicans) passed the Paycheck Fairness Act of 2019 this afternoon to help fix that.

  • The Paycheck Fairness Act would strengthen existing laws to protect workers from retaliation for discussing pay, ban the use of salary history in hiring processes, increase accountability and transparency, and “require employers to prove that any pay disparities between men and women are…not sex-based.”
  • The bill has unanimous support from House Democrats and is a key step toward closing the persistent wage gap.
  • And in case you needed another reminder of why this legislation is so necessary, don’t miss Rep. Bradley Byrne (R, AL-1) mansplaining equal pay to Rep. Susan Wild (D, PA-7).

COMBATING CLIMATE CHANGE: This morning, House Democrats introduced the Climate Action Now Act to tackle the looming threat of climate change.

  • The bill gets the U.S. back on track to hold up its end of the Paris Climate Agreement. Since Trump announced U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement two years ago, cities, states, universities, and businesses have stepped up to lead key climate initiatives.
  • With the introduction of the Climate Change Now Act, House Democrats are filling the leadership void left by a Republican party unwilling to act on a climate crisis that already impacts Americans every day.

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The Center for American Progress Action Fund is an independent, nonpartisan policy institute and advocacy organization that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans, through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action. Our aim is not just to change the conversation, but to change the country.

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