Don’t be fooled by Trump’s “accomplishments” tweets
Trump is constantly trying to take credit for the economic accomplishments of the Obama administration.
He can tweet blatant lies all he wants, but here’s the reality: Trump inherited low unemployment from Obama, and his administration has recklessly undermined working people ever since.
- Jobs: Trump promised to be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Instead, job growth is DOWN 15% under Trump’s administration.
- Manufacturing: Despite Trump’s promises to bring back U.S. manufacturing jobs, the manufacturing sector is in a recession.
- Trade war: Thanks to the Trump administration’s reckless trade war, dairy farms are closing across the Midwest, and steel jobs are disappearing.
- Health care: After years of the Affordable Care Act bringing the uninsured rate down, the Trump administration’s efforts to sabotage and repeal it have led to reversing the trend and more people being uninsured.
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