Structural Reform and Governance

Democracy Policy

The Democracy Policy team is advancing an agenda to win structural reforms that strengthen the U.S. system and give everyone an equal voice in the democratic process.

Protestors raise their fists during a rally on the National Mall before the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., April 2006. (Getty/Mandel NGAN/AFP)

What we're doing

Safeguarding democracy by enacting bold structural reforms

To build a multiracial representative democracy, we need bold structural reforms that expand participation. We are leading policy analysis and research, communications, and advocacy to pass voting rights and democracy reform legislation in Congress to help defend democracy from the serious threats it faces.

Combating democratic decay and disinformation

We are leading cross-institutional work to combat the erosion of trust in government and in our elections—spread in part by the big lie about the 2020 election and a broader strategy by conservatives employed for decades. 

Partners & Coalitions

We are part of the 200+-organization Declaration for American Democracy coalition, the largest coalition of progressive groups assembled to fight for democracy reform—including intersectional advocacy, membership, and policy groups. 

Recent work


Compact View

Select Committee Democrats: A Smart and Confident U.S.-China Policy Past Event

Select Committee Democrats: A Smart and Confident U.S.-China Policy

Please join the Center for American Progress Action Fund for a discussion on how Democratic policymakers are advancing a vision of democracy and stability in the Indo-Pacific that will help the American public.

How Americans Can Fight Back Against a Radical Supreme Court Majority Article
The U.S. Supreme Court.

How Americans Can Fight Back Against a Radical Supreme Court Majority

Responding to the judicial overreach of a radical Supreme Court majority will require long-term structural reforms to the courts and immediate action to mitigate the harms caused by their wrongly decided decisions.

the Center for American Progress

Ben Olinsky, Grace Oyenubi

New York Has a Historic Opportunity to Prohibit Political Spending by Foreign-Influenced U.S. Corporations In the News

New York Has a Historic Opportunity to Prohibit Political Spending by Foreign-Influenced U.S. Corporations

Latrice Walker and Michael Sozan argue that to protect the integrity of New York’s government and promote economic patriotism, the state must pass a law banning political spending by foreign-influenced U.S. corporations.


Latrice Walker, Michael Sozan

Unions Are Democratically Organized, Corporations Are Not Article
 (A red CAP logo with stars and stripes.)

Unions Are Democratically Organized, Corporations Are Not

The authors make the case that in order to strengthen political democracy, policymakers should support the creation of democratically organized groups such as unions.

Center for American Progress

David Madland, Malkie Wall, Danielle Root, 1 More Sam Berger

Secretaries of State Are Crucial for Protecting African American Voters Report

Secretaries of State Are Crucial for Protecting African American Voters

As the ongoing coronavirus pandemic makes ensuring voters’ and election workers’ safety even more imperative, fair and inclusive elections must be state officials’ top priority heading into November.

Michael Sozan, Christopher Guerrero

Corruption Consultants: Conservative Special Interests and Corporations Hurt State Economies and Democratic Processes Article

Corruption Consultants: Conservative Special Interests and Corporations Hurt State Economies and Democratic Processes

Malkie Wall, Danielle Root, and Andrew Schwartz explain how special-interest groups have used states’ tradition as “laboratories of democracy” to implement damaging and regressive policies at the behest of corporate clients and wealthy donors.

Center for American Progress

Malkie Wall, Danielle Root, Andrew Schwartz

Case Studies in Voter Suppression: Profiling Voter Suppressors Report
President Donald Trump speaks alongside then-Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (L) during the first meeting of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in Washington, D.C., July 19, 2017. (Getty/Saul Loeb)

Case Studies in Voter Suppression: Profiling Voter Suppressors

In order to bring attention to the nationwide problem of voter suppression, it is important to call attention to the politicians who are most notorious for restricting voter access.

Danielle Root, Aadam Barclay

Congressional Democrats Pushing for Bold Democracy Solutions In the News

Congressional Democrats Pushing for Bold Democracy Solutions

Author Michael Sozan discusses the damaging impact of the Trump administration's policy agenda and congressional Democrats' efforts to regain the American people's trust with a bold reform agenda.

Inside Sources

Michael Sozan

Rep. Tom Price’s STOCK Act Scandal Article
Nominee for Health and Human Services Secretary Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) pauses while testifying on Capitol Hill in Washington, January 24, 2017, at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee. ((AP/Andrew Harnik))

Rep. Tom Price’s STOCK Act Scandal

Republicans in the Senate who have supported the STOCK Act should deny Rep. Price’s confirmation until a full investigation can be conducted into determining whether he violated federal law.

Danielle Root

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