
National Security and International Policy

Advancing progressive national security policies that are grounded in respect for democratic values: accountability, rule of law, and human rights

Representatives of the U.N. Security Council members raise their hands to vote in favor of a draft resolution at the U.N. headquarters in New York, September 30, 2021. (Loey Felipe/UN Photo/Handout via Xinhua)

What We're Doing

Defending democracy

Democracies around the globe—including our own—face threats not seen in generations. We work to bolster the guardrails of democracy around the world, strengthening the rule of law and accountability, and in so doing, we add our voice to the chorus pushing against authoritarian forms of government.

Revitalizing diplomacy

The United States’ most enduring advantage is our network of alliances. Alliances and relationships are increasingly important components of U.S. national power, furthering economic, security, and humanitarian aims. We develop and support approaches for revitalizing diplomacy to further U.S. engagement in improving lives at home and around the world.

Putting climate at the center of U.S. foreign policy

Climate change threatens global security, stability, and humanity, bringing sweeping changes to our world. We are working to center climate in our international efforts and policies by transforming strategy, culture, and budgets; outlining collective responses; and defining new bilateral and multilateral alliances that can advance collective solutions to these urgent problems confronting the country and the world.

Redefining American security in today’s threat environment

Many of today’s most foreseeable threats are those that affect daily life and prospects for prosperity: COVID-19, climate change, systemic inequality, racism, and global disinformation aimed at undermining rights and democratic practices. We are working to reconceptualize what national security means in the 21st century and how U.S. national security institutions and foreign policy priorities can adapt to protect Americans and safeguard human security for all.


Compact View

Select Committee Democrats: A Smart and Confident U.S.-China Policy Past Event

Select Committee Democrats: A Smart and Confident U.S.-China Policy

Please join the Center for American Progress Action Fund for a discussion on how Democratic policymakers are advancing a vision of democracy and stability in the Indo-Pacific that will help the American public.

Reviving transatlantic relations after Trump In the News

Reviving transatlantic relations after Trump

Max Bergman explains how a new administration could revive or transform the transatlantic relationship between the United States and Europe.

Social Europe

Max Bergmann

Absentee Voting, the Military, and Our Democracy In the News

Absentee Voting, the Military, and Our Democracy

Lawrence Korb writes about the military's use of mail-in voting—and why it is important.

Just Security

Lawrence J. Korb

How the U.S. Can Fight Corruption After Trump In the News

How the U.S. Can Fight Corruption After Trump

Author Trevor Sutton argues that in order to fight international corruption, which threatens democracy and progressive values around the globe, the United States needs to address the shortcomings and lack of transparency in its own financial institutions.

Washington Monthly

Trevor Sutton

Why Trump’s Troop Withdrawal from Germany Is Only the Beginning In the News

Why Trump’s Troop Withdrawal from Germany Is Only the Beginning

Authors Max Bergmann and James Lamond explain why President Trump's harsh approach toward NATO could be dangerous.

The National Interest

Max Bergmann, James Lamond

President Trump’s Relationship With China Has Only Served His Own Interests at America’s Tragic Expense Article
 (A red CAP logo with stars and stripes.)

President Trump’s Relationship With China Has Only Served His Own Interests at America’s Tragic Expense

President Trump’s China policy has been an abject failure, and recent revelations in a new book by his own former national security adviser, John Bolton, raise even more questions about Trump’s response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Melanie Hart, Michael Fuchs, Jordan Link, 2 More Laura Edwards, Kelly Magsamen

Joe Biden’s LGBTQ+ Legacy, 10 Years After DADT Repeal In the News

Joe Biden’s LGBTQ+ Legacy, 10 Years After DADT Repeal

Winnie Stachelberg and Rudy Deleon recall the end of "don't ask, don't tell" 10 years ago, and the roll that former Vice President Joe Biden played in the policy's repeal.

The Advocate

Winnie Stachelberg, Rudy deLeon

Is Europe ready for America’s embrace? In the News

Is Europe ready for America’s embrace?

Max Bergman discusses how Europe will cope with renewed American engagement should former Vice President Joe Biden win the 2020 presidential election.

Friends of Europe

Max Bergmann

The United States Needs a Euro Policy In the News

The United States Needs a Euro Policy

Authors Max Bergmann and Ben Judah explain why the United States needs a bold new approach to Europe.

The American Interest

Max Bergmann, Ben Judah

The FBI Botched the Russia Investigation in 2016 Report

The FBI Botched the Russia Investigation in 2016

The FBI’s timid investigation into foreign interference during the 2016 election cost them a chance to uncover a conspiracy against American democracy in real time.

Max Bergmann, Jeremy Venook

Is Europe ready for a Democratic US president? In the News

Is Europe ready for a Democratic US president?

Author Max Bergmann expresses optimism about renewed and strengthened transatlantic cooperation between the United States and the European Union following the election in November.


Max Bergmann

Impeachment Trial Witnesses: Who the Senate Should Call and What They Know Article
An exterior view of the White House is seen on December 18, 2019, in Washington, D.C. (Getty/Alex Wong)

Impeachment Trial Witnesses: Who the Senate Should Call and What They Know

One look at the list of potential witnesses shows why the president and his allies in Congress are trying to prevent a full impeachment trial in the Senate: The witnesses are capable of providing damning evidence against Trump.

Jeremy Venook, Max Bergmann

Trump’s DNI Pick Would Brief Dem Nominee Ahead of 2020 In the News

Trump’s DNI Pick Would Brief Dem Nominee Ahead of 2020

Katrina Mulligan explains why the Senate must consider the director of national intelligence's role in briefing the Democratic nominee for president as it evaluates President Trump's pick for the position.

Just Security

Katrina Mulligan

Mueller reveals US and Europe have a Russia problem In the News

Mueller reveals US and Europe have a Russia problem

Max Bergmann and James Lamond explain why the results of the Mueller investigation suggest that the United States and Europe should take Russian attacks on democracies seriously.

The Progressive Post

Max Bergmann, James Lamond

The Russians Are Coming in 2020. Dems Don’t Have to Be Victims This Time. In the News

The Russians Are Coming in 2020. Dems Don’t Have to Be Victims This Time.

Max Bergmann and James Lamond explain why foreign interference in the 2020 election cycle is almost guaranteed—and what democrats can do to prevent a repeat of 2016.

The Daily Beast

Max Bergmann, James Lamond

Conspiracy Against the United States: The Story of Trump and Russia Report
President Donald Trump chats with Russian President Vladimir Putin, November 2017. (Getty/Mikhail Klimentyev)

Conspiracy Against the United States: The Story of Trump and Russia

The Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with the Russian government in the 2016 U.S. presidential election has become the defining scandal of the administration so far. This report lays out the overwhelming evidence of that collusion, exploring its underpinnings going back decades to create a cohesive explanation for how—and why—the Trump campaign and the Kremlin worked together to install Trump in the White House.

Max Bergmann, Jeremy Venook, the Moscow Project Team

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