
Compact View

Viewpoint: Lansing’s growth momentum spurred by federal, state investments Personal Story

Viewpoint: Lansing’s growth momentum spurred by federal, state investments

Mayor Andy Schor (D) of Lansing, Michigan, writes about how federal investments are positively affecting citizens in his community, from the creation of new union jobs to the expansion of infrastructure for clean energy and electric vehicles.

the Lansing State Journal

Andy Schor

Earth Day Special: Trevor Higgins on Combating Climate Change Podcast

Earth Day Special: Trevor Higgins on Combating Climate Change

Trevor Higgins, senior vice president of Energy and Environment at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, joins the show to discuss climate policy wins and saving the planet.

Construction of Tennessee EV Battery Facility Highlights Promises and Challenges of Biden Administration Policies Report

Construction of Tennessee EV Battery Facility Highlights Promises and Challenges of Biden Administration Policies

Tennessee’s BlueOval City electric vehicle battery facility shows how public investments can lead to good union jobs, but anecdotal evidence suggests that workers are not connecting these jobs to important economic policies.

the Center for American Progress

David Madland, Kyle Ross

Op-ed: How federal investments are empowering Navajo People Personal Story

Op-ed: How federal investments are empowering Navajo People

JoAnn Armenta, the CEO of an organization that provides workforce training and resources to the Navajo people, shares how the Inflation Reduction Act has helped her organization provide community members with the skills to start their own solar businesses.

The Copper Courier

JoAnn Armenta

5 Reasons Automakers Must Provide Good Jobs and Lower Vehicle Emissions Article

5 Reasons Automakers Must Provide Good Jobs and Lower Vehicle Emissions

In the face of demands for better jobs and stronger health protections, some automakers claim they can’t improve job quality and lower vehicle emissions—but they have the resources to support middle-class-led economic growth and clean up their vehicle fleets.

the Center for American Progress

Leo Banks, Karla Walter, Anona Neal

Op-Ed: Changing Hearts and Minds in Coal Country In the News

Op-Ed: Changing Hearts and Minds in Coal Country

Pennsylvania resident Kelly Forest explains how transitioning to clean energy can save on costs for everyday Americans. Americans now have even more opportunities to cut their energy bills by taking advantage of tax incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act.

The Keystone

Kelly Forest

Public and Private Investments Are Poised To Transform Michigan Report

Public and Private Investments Are Poised To Transform Michigan

The historic home of the automotive industry, Michigan, stands to benefit from major infrastructure improvements and new plants for manufacturing electric vehicle batteries, especially if it incorporates public input and builds worker power to grow the middle class.

the Center for American Progress

David Ballard, Lily Roberts, Marina Zhavoronkova, 4 More Kevin DeGood, Emily Gee, Jessica Vela, Karla Walter

Intel putting the beat back in Ohio’s heart, restoring hope to young job seekers In the News

Intel putting the beat back in Ohio’s heart, restoring hope to young job seekers

Recent electrical engineering graduate, Maddix Curtis, describes how the Biden administration is bringing manufacturing jobs back to Ohio. With investments in infrastructure and clean energy, recent graduates are seeing more opportunities for high-paying jobs.

The Columbus Dispatch

Maddix Curtis

OP-ED: House GOP’s plans to gut green energy tax credits impact businesses like mine In the News

OP-ED: House GOP’s plans to gut green energy tax credits impact businesses like mine

Solar energy business owner Robert Blake writes about how solar investments from the Inflation Reduction Act will help grow his business in St. Paul, Minnesota. But Blake worries that threats from some congressional Republicans to repeal the clean energy provisions threaten the future of his business.

The Heartland Signal

Robert Blake

Local Opinion: Solar power tax credits help bring equity to greener technology In the News

Local Opinion: Solar power tax credits help bring equity to greener technology

Alisha Vasquez describes how economic barriers make it harder for lower-to-middle-income Americans to take advantage of solar tax credits. But since the Inflation Reduction Act increased solar installation tax credits and created programs to increase equity in clean energy, families such as Vasquez’s were able to install solar.

Arizona Daily Star

Alisha Vasquez

Related Priorities

Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice

Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice

We pursue climate action that meets the crisis’s urgency, creates good-quality jobs, benefits disadvantaged communities, and restores U.S. credibility on the global stage.

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